Lattice Model of Information Flow

Posted on Mon 24 January 2011 in Rumination • Tagged with information flow, social networks

I am caught in a maelstrom of work and so I decide to play.

I have an excellent textbook on discrete mathematics on my shelf from a course I took as a student a few years ago [1]. Its always useful to review such books to remind oneself of certain …

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Processes of Diffusion in Networks

Posted on Tue 14 December 2010 in Rumination • Tagged with diffusion, information, semiotics, social networks

Social diffusion processes, real and alleged, have been the focus of intense study for many years, reaching into the early days of anthropology. Because so many different things can be thought to diffuse or flow through a population-- culture, ideas, practices, behaviors, technologies and innovations, opinions, commodities, money, influence, diseases …

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